Thursday, February 21, 2008

Last minute details

Well, I got a lot done today. Got Adrian's clothes ready for school next week and delivered them to the appropriate caretakers, thanks Laura and Laurie! I got my clothes ready, I need a pair of comfortable black pants. Umm, went to the office and tried to get a few things done there. Bought a couple of things to take the orphanage. Now, I am trying to figure out exactly what I need to use my laptop in Russia. I bought one of those converter travel packs from Walmart that has the different plugs, but it says not to use with computer. Also, I want to upload pics to our Dr. here in US so I want a web album with password protection. Yes, I 've heard of the unrest in Kosovo. Perfect timing. Well, I'll post again tomorrow. Bye.

1 comment:

Mom to 2 Angels said...

So funny about the black pants! I went on a comfy-yet-presentable black pant search right before we went to AP. I ended up finding 2 pair that were perfect at New York & Co. Hope you find some, they were great for travel and re-wearing. Adrian's cake is too cute, by the way. I can't wait to read your updates.