Sunday, June 29, 2008

Jet Lag

Let me just say that the jet lag has been tremendous for both of us. We basically did not sleep from Thursday through Saturday. But what make matters worse is that it does not get dark here until 11pm and then the sun comes up at 4pm. Saundra remember when Adrian first came home and he'd wake us all up by saying "Sun's up!"? ha! Ok, to the good stuff, we've seen Andrey twice for about an hour each time. He has been taken to what is called a Summer House about an hour out of the city. It is not the nicest place in the world but there are trees and it is cooler there. Andrey was a little shy the first day and a little quieter. He had just gotten up from naptime. But, it was great to see him. He has a dark tooth in the front, maybe from a fever or something. He also has some bumps look like skin tags that concern me a little. He'll, of course, see a dr that first week after we arrive home to make sure he does not have anything contagious. We won't be able to see our friends for about three weeks after we come home as we will be doing the cocooning thing. At first, you should only let him be around our family only, for the bonding thing. We want him to recognize us as his family. This can take a while as he has different caregivers on any particular day of his whole life and needs to understand that this is his forever family and that he can depend on us for all his needs. We aren't quite sure what we'll be dealing with emotional wise with him, but we are going to do our best to help make a smooth transition. We had a translator read him the book "the Noisy Airplane" and gave him an airplane so as to prepare him for the flight. I took taffy and passed it out to all the children. The started sworming around me. Some of them obviously extremely delayed, but others so precious. Some darling little girls. Oh they were so appreciative of the arts and crafts we brought for the children, like those litte foam kits from Michaels enough for 60 kids I brought and bright chanille stems, and those pom poms, google eyes, etc. Ok, well someone else needs to use this computer so I have to go. We will go to court tomorrow, will be there all day so you probably won't hear from us till Wednsday and hopefully we'll have Andrey in tow. Thanks for all the comments, each one meant so much to me. I LOVE YOU ALL.


catharine said...

It is so good to hear from you. I will pray that everything goes well for ya'll in the courts and the transition for Andrey. You and Mark are so special. Take care and love you lots.Catharine

Anita said...

It is so good to hear from you. We will keep you, Mark and Andre in our prayers. I hope the transition will go smoothly. I am sure he will be speaking English in no time.

Love you all,
Anita, Florica and Jackson