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Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Three more days till we leave
Hi everybody. Well since I last posted, we went to the zoo on Saturday and it poured rain on us so we could only stay about 30 minutes. I mean it poured. Yesterday, Sunday, we stayed in all day because it rained and, I think it quite possibly could of been the longest day of my life, ha! Today was a little better. We took Andrey to a park with carnival rides. He had lots of fun but enjoyed the pony ride the best. He is a good little boy. May move to a Hotel tomorrow, we'll see. It is almost 8pm here and it is like we are laying on the beach it is so bright in this apt. We've been up since 4:30am as that's when the sun comes a barreling in. We go to the Embassy appt tomorrow. I'll write more tomorrow night. Love you all and appreciate all the messages. Cherie
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Stir Crazy
Yeah, Anita, you understand. He doesn't understand us and he is very hyper not to an extreme but all boy to be sure. I brought Bendryl but have not used for fright of exactly what you said, backward reaction. Being closed up in an apt where I'm afraid he'll break something is frustrating for me too. And, this apt is definitely not kid friendly with computer wires, like I said windows that would kill him if he fell out and stove and need I go on. It'll be a hundred times better when we are at home; however, he will require lots of hands-on learning. Our facilitator, A, is very nice and wants to accomodate. I just think this apt is probably better suited for infants rather than older-child adoptions. Miss my other baby too!!!! Maureen I'm glad your following this, tried to call you before I left. Alex said you were out of town. Ursula, wish you were here, Moscow is not to be believed. We are fixing to go outside as it is 10:00am and we've been up since 5am trying to entertain Andrey. I love you all. Cherie
Friday, July 4, 2008
Moscow on the 4th of July
Ok, I know I've asked ya'll to pray for the last fifteen months to get this child in our arms. Now, help us get through this next week in this two-room apt. with no air, big windows with no locks or screens and a child that is basically bouncing off the walls. Mark and I are afraid to go to sleep that he might fall out the windows. They don't lock and we are on the fifth floor???? Besides all that, no drapes and it gets dark at 11pm?? what's up with that? We need a fan. Other than that we are here in Moscow, now we are only eight hours time differnence away. We woke at 4am, left hotel at 5am, flew from Novokuztesk at 8am and arrived four hours later in Moscow at 8am. Andrey has not slept once. Cannot beleive we don't leave until a week from today, oh happy 4th everybody. One good thing is there is a computer here and I can post more. Moscow is humongous; 10 million people. You cannot even believe the traffic, nightmare!!!!!!!!!!! I'll write more tomorrow. Love you all, Cherie
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
All Boy!!!
Good morning everyone!!! Susan, I think Michael might have met his match, ha! Andrey is very active and very independent. Mark has to go back to Kemerovo today for passports and I'm nervous about staying with Andrey because he is so stong-willed. He loves Mark to pieces and Mark has to be stern with him. I, on the otherhand, don't want to make him pull a tantrum in front of others. But, so far, so good. He ate a good dinner, took a bath and slept very well. This morning they came and woke us up and said we needed to leave because there was a fire in the building; it was a false alarm??? Mark is out trying to wear him out with the ball before leaving me for about 7 hours. I can tell you this, I cannot wait to get HOME!!! We fly to Moscow in the morning and Andrey has a dr appt there. He has a little cough and nose thing going on, so I'm kinda glad he has to go to the dr anyway. Well, I'm attaching a picture and will send more later. Love you all!!!!!! Sorry, picture won't take on their computer and it is so hard to help each other on the computer when you speak different languages. Tuesday on the three hour drive back from Kemerovo after court, there were three of us women in the car. You'd think there would be lots of chatter, but alas, one spoke German, one English and one Russian. You could have heard a pin drop. Later, Cherie
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
.We are proud to announce......
That today at approximately noon, Adrian became a big brother to Andrey Charles Snyder!! Let me start out by confessing to my Frazzled Female friends that I have been your case study for a bad attitude. If you've started this week's lesson, you know, it is fabulous! I've basically had two crying jag meltdowns, poor Mark, and just basically did not feel God's presence.... until today after court. It was almost like the light came out from behind the clouds and God was saying now that you've followed, I'm here to rejoice with you! Enough of the mushy stuff. Court was scary, very formal and intimidating. We were in there for almost an hour. But in the end, he was pronounced ours. It was a three hour drive to court and we started out in a car with a driver we did not know and that is a whole other story I'll have ya'll in stitches about next time we all need a laugh. I came back with the women folk, Mark isn't back yet. We pick up Andrey tomorrow at 11:00 am and I'll have pics just as soon as I can. I love ya'll for all the sweet messages and especially for all the prayers, we have felt them.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Jet Lag
Let me just say that the jet lag has been tremendous for both of us. We basically did not sleep from Thursday through Saturday. But what make matters worse is that it does not get dark here until 11pm and then the sun comes up at 4pm. Saundra remember when Adrian first came home and he'd wake us all up by saying "Sun's up!"? ha! Ok, to the good stuff, we've seen Andrey twice for about an hour each time. He has been taken to what is called a Summer House about an hour out of the city. It is not the nicest place in the world but there are trees and it is cooler there. Andrey was a little shy the first day and a little quieter. He had just gotten up from naptime. But, it was great to see him. He has a dark tooth in the front, maybe from a fever or something. He also has some bumps look like skin tags that concern me a little. He'll, of course, see a dr that first week after we arrive home to make sure he does not have anything contagious. We won't be able to see our friends for about three weeks after we come home as we will be doing the cocooning thing. At first, you should only let him be around our family only, for the bonding thing. We want him to recognize us as his family. This can take a while as he has different caregivers on any particular day of his whole life and needs to understand that this is his forever family and that he can depend on us for all his needs. We aren't quite sure what we'll be dealing with emotional wise with him, but we are going to do our best to help make a smooth transition. We had a translator read him the book "the Noisy Airplane" and gave him an airplane so as to prepare him for the flight. I took taffy and passed it out to all the children. The started sworming around me. Some of them obviously extremely delayed, but others so precious. Some darling little girls. Oh they were so appreciative of the arts and crafts we brought for the children, like those litte foam kits from Michaels enough for 60 kids I brought and bright chanille stems, and those pom poms, google eyes, etc. Ok, well someone else needs to use this computer so I have to go. We will go to court tomorrow, will be there all day so you probably won't hear from us till Wednsday and hopefully we'll have Andrey in tow. Thanks for all the comments, each one meant so much to me. I LOVE YOU ALL.
Friday, June 27, 2008
We're in Novokuznetsk! However, we've hit several snags. The first being that our court hearing was suppose to be here, now we find out it is three hours from here. That's six hours on the road court hearing day. Then on Thursday, Mark has to go back and do the six hour thing again for passports. Not sure why no one knew this as we could have stayed in Kemerovo for the first nights instead of here. Oh, and they're visa machine is down and so we cannot pay the room with visa. It's been down now for a week or so. Can't tell you how much money we brought in cash $$$$$ but it won't be enough. Our facilitator had to take second job, so she will only be available for some of the time. Found out also that we leave Novo a day early so we must make plans in Moscow. No, this won't bring us home earlier. No air!!!!!!!!!!!! Tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It'll be alright though, God knows about all this. Just know that they have no internet cafe in this city and this business center is expensive, so we will not be posting as much as we thought. But, we'll send the basics as we can. Love, Cherie
We are here and safe. Already had dr appt, went well. Very exhausted!! On our way now to airport to fly to Siberia. More when I can. Cherie
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Here we go!
This is it! I cannot believe it is finally happening. We leave tomorrow! I am printing our whole dossier out now to take with us and had to gather some other last minute docs for Embassy. My sweet girlfriends from my Bible Study prayed with me today. It makes you feel so much better to know you are riding on prayer. Just know that I will try and post here as we have something to say and this will be the spot to view first pics of our new son. I just love you all! Cherie
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Today is his Birthday
Today was a little hard because it our new son's 5th birthday, and we're not with him. However, I plan on making it up to him. I feel like I have almost everything I need, I just have to put it all in the suitcase. I like to put the same amount of stuff for each of us in each of our bags so if one was to be lost we'd still have enough to at least get by. Adrian is flying to Atlanta with us and staying there with my brother (Thanks Sam & Shiela). He's so excited because he get's to stay a week with his cousin, Cole. Then he'll go to my sister, Saundra's house (Thanks Saunj & Joe). He's totally happy about that too because he'll have is older cousins, Joseph & Ryan, to keep him busy. Snickers, our dog, is staying with mom & Don; so everything is in place. We are taking our laptop so I'll try and post. Please pray about the dr review and the Court date. We leave a week from today!! Oh, I am so nervous and excited at the same time, I'm probably gonna have a stroke before I get there, haaaaaaaaaaa! Cherie
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Our agenda
Ok, we have our tickets and visas have been applied for. We leave on June 26th and return July 11. Got the Frazzled Females started this past Thursday, and I hope everyone was blessed; I was. VBS starts tomorrow, I'm preschool crafts with my good friend Catharine. I have stuff out on the bed for packing but have not started yet. We'll get to Moscow at 10:30am. We see the eight panel dr. that same day, then fly out that night at 10:30pm for Novokuznetsk. We'll be there for a week, then back to Moscow for a week. THEN HOME!!!!!! I don't know how I'm gonna get everything in the suitcase. I bought our facilitator in Moscow one of those things that you put in cold water and then you where it around your neck to keep you cool. I also got him some tea and salt water taffy from Savannah. Then I got the ladies make-up, bath & body stuff and some costume jewelery. It seems like a lot and, oh, I got the children some arts and crafts things. I hope everyone likes everything that we have for them. Next thing I need to get done is start packing for my son who is going to Florida with a friend. Snickers my dog is staying with my mom on Hilton Head. I hope I remember everything. Oh, got a booster seat for him for the car. In between all this, I'm trying to listen to some Russian. Ok, I'll post more soon. Cherie
Friday, June 6, 2008
We got our court date today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! July 1st. It's Friday and Anya was out of office so I really don't know anything. We'll have to wait till Monday to get travel plans, but my guess is we'll leave around 26th of June. Yawhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Mama's comin sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Release Letter Lost
As I have explained, our Release Letter for A from the Federal Databank was lost. It has been rerequested and has now been sent again from Moscow to to Kemerovo. We are praying that it will be received promptly and that we will be issued a court date very quickly. Cherie
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
As time continues to slip by
Not much to tell. Still waiting, arghhhhhhh. But God’s timing is perfect. I was told by A today that apparently our letter from MOE was lost and a new one has hopefully been sent. She said they can only check on that on Thursday, so hopefully by Friday we will know something. I do not think she is pleased about how long we have had to wait, of course, we are not. I am questioning the representation that CWA has in Kemerovo and their knowledge and experience. However, we knew going in that the process can be different for each case. I think that the wait was just much easier for me with Adrian because I had not held him nor told him I’d be back to get him. Also, he was only two not almost 5, and I wasn’t worried about him waiting on us. Just hoping to get in before vacations become an issue over there and also before our fingerprints expire at the beginning of July. I find it easier not to write about it quite so much now as I get weepy easy. I’m starting a Frazzled Female Bible Study as I am a case study, ha! I’m hanging on and you all will hear me yellin down here in the low country of SC when I hear something positive. Cherie
Friday, May 2, 2008
The latest
And the wait goes on......................................................................... Recently, we were told that the newest requirement is that Mark I must undergo medical exams by an eight panel doctor committee before we go to our region for court. This will only cost us $750 a piece. Now, we will take our lab reports and all from our dr. here in US. This is after we had exams here that had to be notarized and apostilled. Oh, and guess what? We should not expect to hear anything until....at least May 12th due to holiday in Russia.
Mayday, until recently officially termed International Workers' Solidarity Day, is now known as Spring and Labour Day. On some years, it occurs on or close to with Russian Orthodox Easter, so some people celebrate in church while some attend customary demonstrations.
Russia celebrates Victory Day on May 9 to commemorate the millions fallen in World War II. Flowers and wreaths are laid on wartime graves on this day, and veterans come out into the streets wearing their military orders and medals. Alas, there are fewer of them with every passing year.
June 12 - Day of Russia.
Basically, not much gets done the first couple of weeks in May and I'm not sure about that June hoiday, I mean how long it is celebrated. So, back to waiting. I bought some things for Andre today. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!! Love all ya'll. Cherie
Mayday, until recently officially termed International Workers' Solidarity Day, is now known as Spring and Labour Day. On some years, it occurs on or close to with Russian Orthodox Easter, so some people celebrate in church while some attend customary demonstrations.
Russia celebrates Victory Day on May 9 to commemorate the millions fallen in World War II. Flowers and wreaths are laid on wartime graves on this day, and veterans come out into the streets wearing their military orders and medals. Alas, there are fewer of them with every passing year.
June 12 - Day of Russia.
Basically, not much gets done the first couple of weeks in May and I'm not sure about that June hoiday, I mean how long it is celebrated. So, back to waiting. I bought some things for Andre today. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!! Love all ya'll. Cherie
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Can't wait for the wait to be over!
Suffice it to say, I'm going crazy with this waiting. It takes everything in me not to call CWA everyday just to see if maybe they were just fixin to pick up the phone and call me with the court date. CS
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Papers have been sent!
OK, the second half of the paperwork is on its way to Russia. This is not to say that the court won't ask for something in addition to the package we've done. But, we are in court date waiting mode now. I hope A isn't anxious or thinking that we aren't coming back. Thanks for your continued prayers. Cherie
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The latest
Ok, Mark has taken everything to Columbia to get all the SC stuff apostilled; done! And, I have fed exed the Ga stuff to Atlanta; see we live on the boarder of SC/GA. Our doctors are in Ga. Hopefully, that will be fed exed back tomorrow, then everything can go to CWA on route to Russia. Part of me is scared the country will close down or something before we can go and the other part is so scared the Court will find something wrong with us or our paperwork to prevent us from bringing Andre home. My heart knows God is in control and loves us all, but my mind just keeps a worryin. I actually bought Andre a shirt today, of course, it is short sleeved because of where we live and it is spring to boot. But, it will probably still be pretty chilly there. Maybe I'll borrow a couple of things. Later Friends, Cherie
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Well, I've almost got all the additional documents ready to send to CWA. The South Carolina documents are all assembled but need to go to Columbia to get their apostille added. We had to get all our medical work redone because it had been almost a year since we did it for the Home Study. We see our Dr. Thursday for him to fill out paperwork and then I'll send that stuff to Ga Sec of State for apostille. The it is ready to send to CWA to forward to Russia. I was a little scared today when I read on one of the servers that I subscribe to the following article: http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2008/03/17/020.html
Ya know, it is scary because I worry that the government might decide to look into this and halt adoptions or something. But, I know God is in control. I got some language tapes so I can learn the basics like, I love you, and do you need to go potty. I've also been working on his little room. The theme is vintage airplanes. I think it is so cute. Adrian's room is a nautical theme and much more big boy!! Anywho, just thought I should let all ya'll know that we are pushing along to get all this stuff done so we can get a court date. Keep praying Andrey home please!!!! Love to all of you, Cherie
Ya know, it is scary because I worry that the government might decide to look into this and halt adoptions or something. But, I know God is in control. I got some language tapes so I can learn the basics like, I love you, and do you need to go potty. I've also been working on his little room. The theme is vintage airplanes. I think it is so cute. Adrian's room is a nautical theme and much more big boy!! Anywho, just thought I should let all ya'll know that we are pushing along to get all this stuff done so we can get a court date. Keep praying Andrey home please!!!! Love to all of you, Cherie
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
It's March!
Well, I've been home almost a week now and everything is so busy. Does life seem extremely fast to anyone else? I mean its like I cannot get everything done. Oh well, we'll just keep plugging along. Tomorrow I plan to get the adoption list of papers out that we still have to do before they will issue a court date. Things like update medical report from physician, they want one for Adrian too, umm...lots of forms and this and that. It is really overwhelming, but if you just start it dwindles down sooner or later. Then, of course, we will have to get everything authenticated at the SC Secretary of State and the Georgia Secretary of State for the medical reports. Well, I'll look at it all tomorrow and let ya'll know what's ahead. Gotta get busy to and get A! Yeah! Bye!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Jet lag's a drag

Well, went to sleep last night about 11pm and woke up at 2:30pm. And, if I'd let myself, I could easily go back to sleep. Anyway, I wanted to start writing about our trip. First, in Atlanta we decided we might not have enough money and Mark went to use an ATM but it said we had exceeded our limit?????????? So, from the plane before we left, we called and they said someone had withdrawn $9869.00 that day from the airport?????????? Yes, we were kinda flipping out. But, they realized something had happened or someone had fraudulently used our number there in the airport and assured us it would be alright. Then, we arrived in Moscow, it was snowing and cold. We went to our guide's apartment and dropped off our stuff and headed to a souvenier shop and the Kremlin because it was a beautiful day and we had like 10 hours. This was Sunday and there was not that much traffic. I bought a few things, nesting doll, a couple of painted eggs, and a couple of Christmas ornaments. Then it was off to the Kremlin. The first thing we saw was a beautiful Church with the onion tops. I'll add a picture of that. Mark really enjoyed seeing everything even though we did not go inside because of time restraints. So, later we went to another airport to catch plane to Novokuznesk in Siberia. While in the airport where you hear no English we just happened to sit by two adopting families going to be staying in our hotel. Moscow is eight hours difference from home and now we would go four more hours difference making it twelve. We rode on Siberian airlines, what a nightmare!!! Hot, I mean I was ready to jump out of the plane. The food, oh my gosh, I spit it out!!! We finally got there it was -5 and snowing. Our lovely guide met us, she was beautiful and in a full length mink coat that I want!! She is an English teacher by profession but she freelance interprets and transcribes instead. She drove us to the hotel and got us checked in, this was about 6:30 am and said she would be back at 10 to take us to the orphanage. Apparently, it was some kind of holiday and the Dr. would not be there today and so we would speak with her tomorrow. So, soon they brought in A and he is small and was a little timid but came up and hugged me. I brought things to break the ice like bubbles and a music box. He played with it all and seems to be quite smart for a child that has lived in an orphange most of his little life. Soon, we walked him upstairs and told him we'd be back tomorrow. We went with our guide and went to lunch and then back to hotel. Yes, our room was sooooo hot. Because it is so cold there they wanted to make sure that we were comfortable. We were not to go back to orphanage that day and so we relaxed and walked to a grocery store. The next day we went to orphanage where we met with Doctor, Social worker and his primary caregiver. She had tears in her eyes about him and said the family that gets him would be very blessed. Everything we heard was positive and then he came in and hugged him. We then went to the same area were the day before and he started looking in my bag to see what I might have brought him. He sat down and did puzzles for quite a while. He put on Mark's sunglasses and we had a great time although I was not feeling well. Happens every time I go overseas. We went upstairs and saw the room where he sleeps, like 15 little beds with pink little blankets on all of them. All the children were around us and wanted to see camera. I had taken them all bubbles and crayons and suckers, etc. Then our guide said, get with a friend and we will take your picture. She said, he said, my papa is my best friend! That was the sweetest moment. We left, and came back that afternoon. We left him with pictures of us, Adrian, Snickers, our home and pictures with he and us in them. We will go back in about 2 months to go before a judge (that part scares me) and bring him home. Anything can always happen, but my hope is in the Lord. I want to thank you all for your prayers!!!! I know that they helped our situation. I love you all. I'll post again soon. Cherie
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
A Charles Snyder
Oh my gosh, where do I begin. Let me just start by saying, WE ARE GOING TO BE PARENTS AGAIN!!!!! Well, as you know, the little boy we were to adopt was adopted out from under us. But God was in control, because that is not the boy that was to be our son. I cannot post his name so we will say A for now. We got there the first day and he came in and hugged me. This sweet little guy is four and he has a sweet disposition and he is very smart. He can put puzzles together and he loved the little things I brought him. We realize that there will be language barriers and that Adrian will have some troubles adjusting as well, but we will get through all that with God's help. Mark is glowing!!! A loves Mark and there was this bond thing between them. Oh, please don't any of my friends reading this say anything to Adrian until we get home. I have so much to tell ya'll but I cannot do it now as this jet lag thing has been extremely hard on me. Russia is great and the people, for the most part, are very good. Love you all!!! Cherie
Sunday, February 24, 2008
We have made it to Moscow. Extremely large city; 10 million people! Snowing here, something to see for a girl from the south. We are at our guides apartment, by the way, you remove your shoes before entering someone's home. Met a woman and her mother sitting right in front of us on the plane going to adopt a 2 year old. She was a psychologist and a Christian. Already experiencing God at work. She was too!!! Ok, I'll post again when I can. Cherie
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Last minute details
Well, I got a lot done today. Got Adrian's clothes ready for school next week and delivered them to the appropriate caretakers, thanks Laura and Laurie! I got my clothes ready, I need a pair of comfortable black pants. Umm, went to the office and tried to get a few things done there. Bought a couple of things to take the orphanage. Now, I am trying to figure out exactly what I need to use my laptop in Russia. I bought one of those converter travel packs from Walmart that has the different plugs, but it says not to use with computer. Also, I want to upload pics to our Dr. here in US so I want a web album with password protection. Yes, I 've heard of the unrest in Kosovo. Perfect timing. Well, I'll post again tomorrow. Bye.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
So far, so good
Ok, so the birthday hurdle has been jumped, next crisis "Go to Russia". Whew! Ok, so the birthday was a big success. Adrian's SS class was invited and the 1st, 2nd & 3rd grade of his small school. We ended up with 10, invited 15; that was perfect for the bowling situation. She sees no red flags regarding the child that has now been referred in place of the previous child adopted by a Russian family. You know, it is so good that God is in control and not me. Gotta go, a million things to do. I'll write more later. CS
Monday, February 18, 2008
My Baby's Birthday
Today is my baby's 9th birthday. We are having his party tomorrow at the bowling alley with Sunday School class and School friends. I've invited 15, and since it is a little costly, I decided to save money and make the birthday cake. Well, this is the first time I've done this and it will probably be the last, although I had fun. Made a BIG mess too! I'll try and take a picture of the cake and post it so ya'll can have a good laugh. Made brownies for the school to celebrate his birthday at school. For right now, we are moving forward with plans to travel Saturday. We are to talk with our US Russian Pediatrician regarding the limited information provided of this new child tomorrow morning. God is control and I am ok. Cherie
What a Day
Well, this is Monday and we are due to fly out Saturday and we have been notified by our agency that a Russian family adopted our referral. Before you formally accept the child, family of the child and Russian citizens, have first right to adopt Russian children. I’ve had my crying jag and am now trying to decide what to do. They have offered us another referral of what seems to be a healthy, sweet little boy, but it's just that I had gotten mentally attached to the other child. Our sweet Bible study layed hands on us last night and prayed for us. I want to obey the Lord. I think we will probably go and pray for God to continue to lead us through this process.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Getting Things in Order
Well, I'm trying to think ahead. I've got A's Valentines ready, and I registered today for his birthday party at the bowling alley (his request). Contacted Dr. G, the Russian Pediatrician that will review and/or evaluate the information we provide her regarding the referral while we are in Russia. Tomorrow I plan on contacting the travel agency to reserve airline tickets and get our visas started. Tomorrow is our 20 year wedding anniversary. Who'd a thought we'd be looking at another international adoption after 20 years of marriage. We told each other our trip to Moscow is our gift and so I only got him a Russian for Dummies book and cd. Wonder what we'll be doing 20 years from now???
Monday, February 4, 2008
Travel Dates!!
Ok, we leave February 23 and return February 27. We will visit with our referral for two days. Wow, I'm petrified and can't wait. Hope ya'll are praying hard. Cherie
Friday, January 25, 2008
This is my first time
Just know this is my first time creating a blog and I really don't have any idea as to what I am doing. If you are a pro and know an easier way to leave comments or regarding the permissions, passwords things, e-mail me. I will appreciate your input. Blessings!!!
Pluggin along!
Ok, traveling paperwork is complete. Now, Mark must drive to Columbia to get docs apostilled. I hate it, but he'll have to make another trip to do the same thing with additional documents if and when we travel on a second trip. Please be advised that Adrian does NOT know why we are going or, even yet, that we are going. We do not want him to know the reason for this trip and he will be told it is a mission trip (which it is). So hopefully, we can get these docs overnighted to CWA this weekend and then we can get a travel date next week. I'll post it here as soon as I know. Later!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
We have to redo most all of the paperwork. Only part of it has to be done before we go on this first trip though. Umm, today I ordered 2 original marriage certificates to be signed by the Judge in Beaufort so as to be ready for apostille in Columbia. The Home Study and other docs will be overnighted to us and should be here tomorrow. I have about 10 documents to fill out and get to our attorneys office for notarization. Then, hopefully Friday, Mark will run all these documents to Columbia to get the Secretary of State to prepare them for international apostille. Then we will overnight all this to CWA so that they can send and get us an appointment for approximately the middle of February. Can you even imagine how cold it will be there?? I'm shivering just thinking about it.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Did you say Russia???
As many of you know, Mark and I have always considered adopting a brother or sister for our little boy, A. We adopted A in 2001 from Romania and he is just a wonderful person. His soul is so good!! We had almost talked ourselves out of it when we went to a Family Life Marriage Retreat on Hilton Head and ran into the very people who had turned us on to Christian World Adoption about eight years ago. Our thoughts prior to this weekend were "we've waited too long, we're just too old to be parents again in our 40s". Our son, bless his heart, has prayed for a sibling. So, anyway, this couple was adopting again from China. She was in her 40s, and he was in his late 60s and had had a heart transplant. We felt as if God was saying, oh no your not too old. And so the process of adoption for a second time began.
Over the past year, we have completed our dossier and it has been translated and delivered to Kyrgystan where we had decided to adopt from. This little country is next to China and below Kazakazstan. We were referred a little boy back in October, but a medical specialist here in the USA advised us not to adopt this little fellow. Bout broke my heart.
So, I had not heard anything since and was basically very discouraged as was Mark. We had inquired about getting our international fee returned should we decide to terminate our contract. Then they asked if we would be interested in viewing the upcoming special needs list. Excitedly, we agreed and after filling out all the paperwork we waited for it to be displayed. One little 6-year old girl caught our eye, and so we requested information on her. To our surprise there was already a waiting list for almost all of the children. This list was e-mailed to 400+.
At that point, I figured it was about the end of our road. I inquired about whether we could change to Russia or another country to which I was told we could but there was no guarantee as to how long we would wait. I said we'd consider this option, but I knew Mark was ready to call it quits at this point.
The next morning, I prayed for this roller coaster to end and that God would help me with my grieving for a child that would not come. When I got home that day there was an e-mail asking me to contact my case manager about a little boy from Russia.
Before I opened the information regarding this little boy, I prayed again that I would know if this was of Him. I just adored this little ones' photo. He will be 6 years old this summer. Mark and I struggled immensly as to whether this was where God was leading. I determined not to try and influence Mark but to accept his decision as God's. In the Russian program, you receive very little information of the child, you travel and meet him or her, and then decide as to whether to accept the referral. That is where we are. We are going to go to Russia, meet him and decide. It would be very hard to say no, but we have another child with issues to consider. So, keep us in your prayers and I will post everything to this little blog. Cherie
Over the past year, we have completed our dossier and it has been translated and delivered to Kyrgystan where we had decided to adopt from. This little country is next to China and below Kazakazstan. We were referred a little boy back in October, but a medical specialist here in the USA advised us not to adopt this little fellow. Bout broke my heart.
So, I had not heard anything since and was basically very discouraged as was Mark. We had inquired about getting our international fee returned should we decide to terminate our contract. Then they asked if we would be interested in viewing the upcoming special needs list. Excitedly, we agreed and after filling out all the paperwork we waited for it to be displayed. One little 6-year old girl caught our eye, and so we requested information on her. To our surprise there was already a waiting list for almost all of the children. This list was e-mailed to 400+.
At that point, I figured it was about the end of our road. I inquired about whether we could change to Russia or another country to which I was told we could but there was no guarantee as to how long we would wait. I said we'd consider this option, but I knew Mark was ready to call it quits at this point.
The next morning, I prayed for this roller coaster to end and that God would help me with my grieving for a child that would not come. When I got home that day there was an e-mail asking me to contact my case manager about a little boy from Russia.
Before I opened the information regarding this little boy, I prayed again that I would know if this was of Him. I just adored this little ones' photo. He will be 6 years old this summer. Mark and I struggled immensly as to whether this was where God was leading. I determined not to try and influence Mark but to accept his decision as God's. In the Russian program, you receive very little information of the child, you travel and meet him or her, and then decide as to whether to accept the referral. That is where we are. We are going to go to Russia, meet him and decide. It would be very hard to say no, but we have another child with issues to consider. So, keep us in your prayers and I will post everything to this little blog. Cherie
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